Kingston Smith Volunteer Challenge Day 2014 at Sir John Cass School

On one of the hottest days of the year, although it was early October, a team from Kingston Smith came to the rescue at Sir John Cass School. Because of leaks access to the roof has been closed for most of the summer; the greenhouse was unsafe and shedding panes and the planters were in need of a coat of paint.

In just a day the team demolished the greenhouse, repainted the planters and even had time to remove the rubbish and do some weeding. The firm donated £500 for tools and materials and there was enough left over for us to buy a shed. Friends of City Gardens organised the day and arranged for the delivery of materials and tools. Now the roof is ready for the children’s Gardening Club to start growing vegetables. Plans for next year include growing wheat, barley and oats and making home grown cakes with the produce!