City in Bloom – 2017

Clean and green for seventeen
City in Bloom is the annual celebration of the amazing green spaces in the Square Mile from hanging baskets to courtyard gardens, from green roofs to balcony planters, from allotments in a bag to roof top kitchen gardens. It is organised by Friends of City Gardens on behalf of the City of London, City Gardens team. In 2017 we gave City in Bloom a new twist and asked entrants to enter the Clean and green for seventeen Air Quality Challenge.

The entrants designed and installed a street level planting that raised awareness of air quality and helped green our grey streets. The Challenge was launched on 11 January 2017 and entrants had until 1 June to build their display. All entrants were presented with a photo-book of all the entries.
City in Bloom brought together the wide community of gardeners in the City – residents, businesses, institutions and community groups. We celebrate and promote biodiversity, horticultural expertise, excellence of design and careful maintenance. We reward best practice, community and staff involvement and access.
Look out for our signature yellow wheelbarrows in gardens across the City – and the odd one or two blue barrows for our Air Quality Challenge!